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Made in america since 1943

The leading manufacturer of ammunition reloading equipment for rifles and pistols, offering reloading equipment throughout the world.

Rock Chucker Supreme Press

The Rock Chucker Supreme Single Stage Reloading Press is the Gold Standard other single-stage presses are measured against.

Size Any Brass with Ease

The long handle and central-pivot design provide outstanding leverage for sizing the toughest of brass.

Ambidextrous Design

Ambidextrous handle mounting for increased bench setup possibilities.

Matchmaster Powder Dispenser

The MatchMaster Powder Dispenser features pharmaceutical-grade scale components that enable .04-grain accuracy, providing the ultimate in precision.

The fastest and most accurate powder dispenser from RCBS

The RCBS MatchMaster Powder Dispenser takes powder dispensing and weighing to the next level. Utilizing our Patent Pending dual tube dispense technology most charges can be thrown in under 20 seconds to 0.10 grain accuracy.

The RCBS app provides control of Matchmaster functions via Bluetooth

Bluetooth app increases functionality:Control up to 8 units simultaneously

Speed and accuracy are not the only things that the MatchMaster delivers


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  • This is my second set. I sold my first one when I moved. You just can't beat the value in this kit. Add a case trimmer, powder trickler and a powder measure stand and a brass tumbler to round out the set. I never use the press mounted primer arms. They're a bit silly. The hand primer works well once you get used to the quirks (never hold it so that the priming rod falls out.) I now use a LE wilson case trimmer and various case gauges with mine. I started with a cheap LEE trimmer, but the wilson is my favorite since it grips the shell and not the ejection lip. Final note: RCBS support is fantastic. On my first chucker, I had several mis-primed cases and they sent me new inserts for the hand primer. I also recently found my depriming rod bent in my RCBS decapping die and they sent a new one, no questions asked. I've heard of similar service from LEE, but I know first hand that RCBS takes care of you.

    H. O'Brien
  • As the title says, I have been hand loading my own ammo for the past seven years. And, I have used the RCBS Rock Chucker exclusively. My initial layout was nearly $1000 when you factor in all of the dies required, a good set of calipers, a premium electronic scale to co-witness the powder weight a tumbler and case / media separator. Truth be known I was somewhat taken aback with the capital layout (because I didn't include the cost of powder and primers). The cases were free because I policed the range every time I took a shooting trip. This is a long lead in to the quality of the Rock Chucker: it is the best reloader on the market; the size and weight of the press is awesome....yet you can adjust the cartridge length to .0001. I guess that I forgot to tell you that my capital investment was paid off in less than ONE YEAR. I fully recommend the Rock Chucker, and I expect to be using it for the next 20 years when I will turn over to my grandsons.

    John W. Moyer
  • Excellent kit! The press is very heavy duty. You should be able to reload all the large calibers with this guy. The powder hopper is great and it includes a very nice primer catcher. You will need a thick, durable mounting surface for this press. The powder scale works great too, the reloading manual has loads of helpful information, and the hand priming tool is fast and easy to use. I would not recommend using the hand priming tool with brass that has military crimped primer pockets, EVEN IF you properly prep. the brass. The priming rod isn't perfectly centered and this can sometimes lead to the primer getting pushed in at an angle, allowing for the primer cup to sometimes catch a crimp stamp and get stuck half installed.

    Mark G
  • I purchased this kit two years ago and got up to speed on reloading in a short time. This is not the kind of press you need if you are just looking to pump out rounds in bulk or in very large numbers. There is a tremendous amount of very important components which go into making high power rifle rounds. This kit will allow you the time to not only learn each component but to double check it to tweak loads to make them exact which will make shooting them much safer. I originally purchased this kit with another friend, not knowing which direction we would go. After over a year of loading my own ammo (no shortage for us) I purchased my own RCBS Master Kit to continue my own reloading. This press is solid as a rock and runs thru its action as smooth as butter. Another reason I went back to RCBS was their Customer Service which is second to none.
