3-Die Carbide Taper Crimp Set - Group B - Popular Pistol Cartridges Now $89.99 MSRP Was Choose Options
3-Die Carbide Roll Crimp Set - Group B - Popular Pistol Calibers MSRP Was Now $79.99 - $99.99 Choose Options
Roll Crimp Seater Die - Group B - Popular Pistol Cartridges MSRP Was Now $24.99 - $40.95 Choose Options
3-Die Carbide Taper Crimp Set - Group E - Straight Walled Calibers Now $127.49 MSRP Was Choose Options
3-Die Carbide Taper Crimp Set - Group B - Popular Pistol Cartridges RCBS 3-Die Carbide Taper Crimp Die Sets are precision-made using proprietary steel. Each set includes a Carbide Sizing Die, Expander Die, and Bullet Seating Die for superior hand-loading performance. RCBS pioneered and developed 3-Die Sets for... Now $89.99 MSRP Was Choose Options
3-Die Carbide Roll Crimp Set - Group B - Popular Pistol Calibers RCBS pioneered and developed 3-Die Sets for straight-wall rifle and pistol cases. The Carbide Sizer Die sizes the case and de-primes (the carbide sizer ring eliminates the need to lubricate). The Expander Die expands the case to the proper diameter to... MSRP Was Now $79.99 - $99.99 Choose Options
Taper Crimp Seater Die - Group B - Popular Pistol Calibers The RCBS Taper Crimp Seater Die seats the bullet and has a built-in taper crimper to secure the bullet at the same time. Made in USA Component and Caliber Reference Table Now $40.95 MSRP Was Choose Options
Roll Crimp Seater Die - Group B - Popular Pistol Cartridges The RCBS Roll Crimp Seater Die seats the bullet and has a built-in roll crimper to secure the bullet at the same time. Made in USA Component and Caliber Reference Table MSRP Was Now $24.99 - $40.95 Choose Options
Carbide Sizer Die - Group B - Popular Pistol Calibers The RCBS Carbide Sizer Die sizes the case and de-primes. The carbide sizer ring eliminates the need to lubricate cases. RCBS Carbide Sizer Dies are a great way to get a stand-alone carbide sizer die without having to purchase an entire die set. This... Now $62.99 MSRP Was Choose Options
3-Die Carbide Taper Crimp Set - Group E - Straight Walled Calibers RCBS pioneered and developed 3-Die Sets for straight-wall rifle and pistol cases. The Carbide Sizer Die sizes the case and de-primes (the carbide sizer ring eliminates the need to lubricate). The Expander Die expands the case to the proper diameter to... Now $127.49 MSRP Was Choose Options
3-Die Roll Crimp Set - Group B - Popular Pistol Calibers RCBS 3 Die Roll Crimp Set for popular straight wall pistol cartridges. The die set features a steel Sizer Die, Expander Die and Roll Crimp Seat Die. The cases must be lubricated for use with the steel Sizer Die. The expander Die expands the case to the... Now $70.99 MSRP Was Choose Options
Cowboy Dies - 3-Die Carbide Roll Crimp Set The 3-Die Carbide Roll Crimp Set is intended for loading straight-wall cartridges for period firearms used in Cowboy Action Shooting. The design allows optimum sizing, expanding, seating and crimping for lead bullet ammunition. Made in USA Component... Now $83.99 MSRP Was Choose Options
3-Die Taper Crimp Set - Group B - Popular Pistol Calibers The 3-Die Taper Crimp Set is for loading straight-wall cartridges. Its steel Sizer Die sizes the case and de-primes. The Expander Die expands the case to the proper diameter to accept the bullet, and it imparts case mouth flare/bell for bullet feeding... Now $70.99 MSRP Was Choose Options
Cowboy Dies 3-Die Full-Length Set This three-die set is intended for reloading straight-wall ammunition for period firearms used in Cowboy Action Shooting. The design allows optimum sizing, expanding, seating and crimping for lead bullet ammunition. Features a Steel Size Die, case lube... Now $77.99 MSRP Was Choose Options