Spare Parts & Extras

  • Seat Plug Assembly- .50 BMG

    Seat Plug Assembly- .50 BMG

    RCBS Seater Plug Assemblies for the .50 BMG ensures the bullet is seated to the proper depth. For .50 BMG Ensures proper bullet seating depth Work with RCBS® seating dies

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  • UPM II Hopper/Cap

    UPM II Hopper/Cap

    Replacement hopper and cap for RCBS Uniflow Powder Measure II, #9010. Legacy part numbers from product manual: 09026 and 09012. Replacement hopper and cap for RCBS Uniflow Powder Measure II, #9010 Legacy part numbers from product manual: 09026 and 09012

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  • UPM Measuring Cylinder Assembly

    UPM Measuring Cylinder Assembly

    The cylinder assembly is a replacement cylinder for Uniflow II (9010) and Uniflow III (9016). The measuring cylinder has precision ground surfaces and slides into the hones main casting for a precision fit. The cylinder measures ball, flake and...

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  • UPM-3 Hopper/Cap

    UPM-3 Hopper/Cap

    Replacement hopper and cap for RCBS Uniflow Powder Measure III, #9016. Legacy part numbers from product manual: 7109030 and 20044710.

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